Grampians Mental Health Services Access & Triage
24 hours 7 days a week service for individuals experiencing an immediate psychiatric crisis for the Ballarat & Grampians region.
1300 247 647
Beyond Blue
24 hours 7 days a week counselling and mental health related information service. Beyond Blue also provide Online Counselling or call 1300 224 636
Suicide Help Line
24 hours 7 days a week counselling and support for those experiencing thoughts of suicide themselves, or those worried about others who may have thoughts of suicide
1300 651 251
Lifeline24 hours 7 days a week telephone counselling regarding any current crises131 114
24 hours 7 days a week telephone and online counselling service for men with family and relationship concerns
1300 78 99 78
Kids Helpline
24 hours 7 days a week telephone, email and online counselling Online counselling for young people 5 to 25 years (not just “kids”!)
1800 551 800
Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA) Crisis Line
24-hour crisis line for those who have experienced sexual assault.
1800 806 292
Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service of Victoria
24 hours 7 days a week crisis telephone line offering information, support, and/ or referrals for refuge for women and children experiencing abusive relationships/ domestic violence
1800 015 188
The Orange Door Network provides access to support and services for people at risk, including for family and domestic violence or abuse, and for families needing extra support with the wellbeing and development of children.
1800 219 819
After Hours Child Protection Line
24-hour crisis line for immediate care and protection concerns for children
131 278
Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Helpline (PANDA)
The PANDA National Helpline provides a safe and confidential space for any new or expecting parent struggling with the challenges of becoming a new parent. 9am – 7.30pm Mon – Fri
1300 726 306
24/7 bereavement support for parents who have experienced a pregnancy or infant loss, including miscarriage, stillbirth, and newborn death.
1300 308 307
24/7 Bereavement Support Service that provides specialized support for anyone affected by miscarriage, stillbirth, baby or child death.
1300 308 307
Grief support for parents who have experienced the loss of their baby.
1300 114 673
HeadtoHealth (Ballarat Community Health)
HeadtoHelp is a free service for people who may be struggling and are in need of non-crisis mental health support. When a person calls HeadtoHelp, an experienced mental health professional will listen and work with them to find the best ways to get the help they need. HeadtoHelp is also accepts walk-ins.
1800 595 212
Rainbow Door is a free specialist LGBTIQA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Gender Diverse, Intersex, Queer, Asexual, BrotherBoys, SisterGirls) helpline providing information, support, and referral to all LGBTIQA+ Victorians, their friends and family. 10am - 5pm Daily.